January 13, 2009

My Heart Is Where The Flowers Grow

How exciting I just figured out how to get a slideshow up and running. All these flowers have grown in my garden. I think allot about them this time of year as the seed catalogs start to appear in the mail.


  1. i'm with you here, i can't wait for the flowers to burst forth.looks like no swimming tomorrow. it was pretty bad coming home. they had'nt plowed by midnight.

  2. I am in Florida, and will soon start my winter garden. The flowers of a sping northern garden grow here in the winter...to hot in summer. Love your Blog...beautiful. Robin of the Baggaraggs

  3. Hi Laura...I've seen some of your dog paintings but I love the slide show with some of your other art, too...you have some BEAUTIFUL paintings in there. I know what you mean about catalogs...they give me the gardening itch, too!!
