October 29, 2008

This is a costume from the past. I made the collar out of fright bite wrappers . Happy Halloween!

October 27, 2008

Unfinished painting

I really should find the time to finish this painting someday but after my first day back to work I realize why I retired cause I'm dead tired! Good thing this job thing is just temporary.

October 26, 2008

Summers gone

This is where I'd like to be , just laying here and reading a good book or perhaps just admiring the flowers and birds that come to visit. It really was a wonderful summer with temperatures that were just right. Well unfortunately even though it's sunny today the wind's just a howling out there. I still have allot of work out there in the gardens but I haven't had the heart to cut it down yet. Perhaps after the first freeze I'll do it. The maple tree in the front yard looks beautiful all golden with contrasting bark, and the burning bush is turning bright red and the fall garden is striking indeed as the colors deepen to russets and purples. As much as I love the summer I really do enjoy the beauty of fall and think that today would be a good drive through the trees. See you later I'm on my way out the door to enjoy some scenery.

October 25, 2008

I have finished a couple of more paintings and am now working on another. I don't know how I will find enough time for all I want to do as I have committed myself to a temporary job working at a small gift shop in Iowa City that I used to work at. The owner called me and asked me to help out for the next couple of months as she gets ready to close the store. Just another sign of economic upheaval . Everyone's feeling the pinch these days and gifts are just one of those items that are not too high on the list of necessities. It's finally sunny today and I must get outside and do some yard work before the snow blows. Kevin and I went to the Golden age brunch at the church this morning. We were the youngest oldsters there but it was fun and the food was good. I put up a new stewardship poster in the narthax which turned out pretty well. I did a drawing of the image of Christ and filled the body with photos of eveyone in the congregation the caption reads... The Body Of Christ.

Chihuahua and Beagle paintings

October 17, 2008

Summer Splender

I just long so for those sunny days of summer.It's kinda grey and gloomy today so I had to put out this sunflower photo for all to see. I made some chicken soup so that should keep the chill off. Been busy today writing a monthly article for the church newsletter and am about to work on a new dog painting that has alot of yellow in it so that should be cheerful. I finished a chihuahua painting which turned out pretty well and a small one of Blizzard, a dog I used to have when I lived in Door county Wisconsin. Hope your day is sunnyside up!

October 10, 2008

Yummy Halloween

My Heart is in your Hands

For Stephanie,

Fifty years from now,
you'll not remember me,
nor see my face,
nor be in my grace,
although I'm with thee today.
I'm seeing you in my place, years from now, old and full of grey....
And remembering those that lived before
in time and in another space
The world changes day-to-day
and this all I need to say.

Dedicated to Denise who keeps the family-tree and to my uncle Bill who wrote this poem for me:

The Artist's Touch

A restless and empty canvas
nervously awaits the artist's brush
Along with palette productive of
creation's initial blush.
Oils of varied tints and hues anxiously
expectant of proud display,
Yet only when a spark of genius
surpasses uncertain way.
Act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose
set forth in Burke's Pentad
Does lend to art from rhetoric a means
that should make the heart glad.
The view might inquire what was done,
and when and where it was done,
And by whom, why, and how it was done,
so lauded be creation.
But, the seed of inspiration must impregnate
the artist's soul
Until disassembled imagery blends
together as a whole,
So that life is breathed upon the canvas
by the artist's steady stroke,
Til the ultimate outcome represents
the standards he would invoke.
There would be countless lesser-knowns carving
their niche sans pomp and heraldry
Yet their portraits hand for all to see
on the hallways of eternity!

By William A. Narkis 11/03/84

October 8, 2008

A Masterful Work

Can you belive that such a small creature can accomplish such a great feat in a just a small amount of time. It makes me wonder what might be possible for me to accomplish in a lifetime. I think we could all learn something from this little spider.

October 6, 2008

Hey Grandma look at me!

This is my grandson Aiden on his first bike that I bought for him when he came to stay with me this summer. Isn't he the sweetest ?

October 5, 2008

three muses

This is an older painting which may or may not be finiished. Seems like I have alot of these around.Posted by Picasa

October 4, 2008

Still life

This is a rendering of of a painting by Edgar Yaegar that I copied from a photo. He was an artist from Detroit . There is a cool website of his work out there. my newphew now owns the original. my husband liked the painting so I made a copy for him.


This is a watercolor that I did and gave away to a newborn named Taylor Rae. She was born with downs syndrom and looks just like a little fairy.

This tower is made from fast food cup holders

lower level and middle of tower.

This is the top level of a tower made from fast food cup holders.

This is the first of a series of sculptures made from recycled paking materials and found objects. I make them using mirrors so when you look into a mirror you can see into infinity.