February 18, 2009

Blizzard Of The North

I have been scanning photos for my family on facebook and came across this photo of my dog that I had when I lived in Door county wisconsin. He was the sweetest dog ever and has been gone now for quite some time and is in doggy heaven. I had to move back to Chicago for awhile and I felt sad for him since he was a country dog so I gave him to my friend Nila who lived in the woods, because he would be happier. There he lived his life out in a place more suitable to his nature. I will always miss him!


  1. Hi Laura~
    Your friend covers mannequins with shells, stained glass..Oh how nea ti will go check out her site..
    Love the doggy you used to have
    I hope the storms don't hit you there.. hugs, Patty

  2. Hey Laura! Your fur baby was cute! I do know what you mean about giving them the room to roam...we have two big indoor fur babies and I would love to find some land for them to play on!! But they do get to go walk/run on the leash in our neighborhood...just not as much as they want to!! Have a good one!!
